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How Dare I
Wednesday, 21 March 2012 | 10:07 | 0 Comment ♥

Assalamualaikum. Hye all clever girls and intelligent boys :)

How dare i to ask Allah to answer all my question.
How dare i to ask Allah for all the reasons of HIS qada and qadar.
How dare i to not redha with all HIS doing.
How dare i to crying all over again to HIS provition.
How dare i to ask HIM to fulfill all my prayer.
How dare i to be depressed to what HE had decide on me.

Im dealing with my life. Allah had decide it to me :) The pathway is still wide open.

Lihatlah pada apa yang kita ada barulah kita akan BERSYUKUR.
Janganlah dikenang apa yang kita tiada nanti kita KUFUR. 

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♥ Credits ♥

Skin By //SuhailaRoslan