How Dare I
Wednesday, 21 March 2012 | 10:07 | 0 Comment ♥
Assalamualaikum. Hye all clever girls and intelligent boys :)
How dare i to ask Allah to answer all my question.
How dare i to ask Allah for all the reasons of HIS qada and qadar.
How dare i to not redha with all HIS doing.
How dare i to crying all over again to HIS provition.
How dare i to ask HIM to fulfill all my prayer.
How dare i to be depressed to what HE had decide on me.
Im dealing with my life. Allah had decide it to me :) The pathway is still wide open.
Lihatlah pada apa yang kita ada barulah kita akan BERSYUKUR.
Lihatlah pada apa yang kita ada barulah kita akan BERSYUKUR.
Janganlah dikenang apa yang kita tiada nanti kita KUFUR.